If you would like to reduce the cost of textbooks at UM, take a look at the http://www.flatworldknowledge.com site. The textbooks there are FREE to read online (when adopted for your class), $30 for a black & white printed copy, $60 for a color copy, and so on. The students can decide what they want. You can even customize the books if you want.
You can request a free desk copy to review the books that you might use in your classes so that you can evaluate the quality of the product. Access their catalog by going to http://www.flatworldknowledge.com/catalog/ and entering your discipline in the search box. (The LINKS to the disciplines don't seem to be working, but the search is working.) They mainly have Business and Economics books, with a few in other disciplines, right now. If there is a text that might work in one of your courses, please take a look at it. (If not, you might want to contact them about writing one!)
The University of Florida is one of the many schools with courses that are using this service. See if it might meet your needs for a quality textbook at a reduced (down to FREE) cost.
If you have other sites, services, or suggestions for reducing textbook costs while maintaining the high-quality educational experience that we provide at UM, please let me know so I can share them with everyone.
Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325
http://vilberg.com - Spreading seeds of education, technology, and more
p.s. My son, John, hopes to start at UM next Fall, so please do what you can to reduce textbook costs by then. He won't care, but I will truly appreciate it.
p.p.s. Thanks to my sister-in-law for telling me about this site/service.