Go to funfridayvideos.com<http://funfridayvideos.com> to learn about Jing, a free screen capture program. You can use it to demonstrate some computer process, show a tech support person what steps you are following when an error occurs, or create a short (under five minute) presentation for your students.
The first demo of Jing describes Frugal Innovations, a concept developed by the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Group to promote inexpensive, easy to learn techniques that can improve instruction. The short Frugal innovations video has content that may interest you, and it also demonstrates how you can create a "pre-class" activity for your students.
The is the video that was supposed to be released this past Friday. Things came up and I couldn't get it produced on time. My son, John, is a Boy Scout and will be doing his Eagle Scout project on February 20th. Almost all of our time this weekend was spent getting things ready. I will try to get this week's FunFridayVideo done earlier so it can really come out on Friday.
Bill Vilberg