Friday, November 13, 2009

[ED-TECH] Mathematica 7 Seminar - Monday, November 30

Ed-Tech mailing list people,

Aaron Pollack, Academic Relationship Executive from Wolfram, makers of Mathematica and Alpha, will be giving a free seminar about Mathematica version 7 on Monday, November 30, 2009. That is the Monday following Thanksgiving. It is also the Monday of the last day of classes. Please don't let any of that stop you from learning more about Mathematica 7 (and Wolfram Alpha) and meeting Aaron.

Mathematica is sometimes still perceived as primarily useful for only math and/or physics. This technical talk will illustrate how features in version 7 specifically changes the pedagogy of teaching within chemistry, economics and a number of other departments as well.

This session will be held in the Richter Library, Faculty Exploratory (Room 305). The presentation will run from 10:10 AM - 11:00 AM (Period C) followed by questions and answers and demonstrations until 12:00 PM. If you must leave at the end of the presentation, that will be understandable, given the many things that will be going on at that time in the semester.

To register for this event (registration is REQUIRED) please go to and fill out the "Mathematica 7 Seminar" form.

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement
Richter Library, Room 325<>

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