Friday, February 01, 2008

[ED-TECH] Blythe Nobleman demonstration of student work from her classes

Ed-Tech List Members,

If you are available at 12:30 PM next Thursday, I strongly encourage you to sign up for Blythe Nobleman’s demonstration of what she is doing with her students. (Go to and click on the “Composing with Blackboard Course Tools” event to register.) Blythe teaches composition, but realizes that composing is different in different media. She uses all kinds of features in Blackboard to give her students experience in composition beyond typed essays and research papers. She uses tools including wikis, blogs, surveys, podcasts, and more.

The University is embarking on a project to enhance teaching by developing course assignments using new media. Interested faculty will be trained on using media other than written papers for student learning. Writing is not being eliminated, but other forms of communication can be encouraged and included in course assignments. To see the complete plan, you can go to, click on the “UM’s QEP” link, and then click on the “Communication across the Curriculum: Enhancing student learning by extending the scope of information acquisition and communication of knowledge in the undergraduate experience” link. Many people are already using these techniques in their classes. Blythe is a wonderful example of this.

I am excited whenever a faculty member can share their classroom ideas with other faculty. I hope you will be able to attend this session on Thursday, February 7, 2008, 12:30-1:45 PM, in the University Center, Flamingo Ballroom (Room 226), Sections C & D. Be sure to bring something to stay warm, since that room is VERY cold most of the time.

Lunch will be served. Registration is required. Go to to register.

Bill Vilberg

Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement