Friday, November 09, 2007

[ED-TECH] Podcasting

Ed-Tech mailing list,


UM has signed an agreement with Apple’s iTunesU to host podcasts. We also have the ability to record presentations from the newly renovated classrooms.  We have the ability and equipment to support faculty who want to record their presentations from any other location.  Recorded classroom presentations and lectures can be made available right now through Blackboard, on a special server UM has set up, on individual web pages, and, soon, through iTunesU.


As part of this move toward podcasting of appropriate classes, I would like to find out what classes at UM are currently being recorded and distributed to the students.  If you are recording and distributing your lectures to your students, would you please let me know?  If you know of someone doing this, would you either tell me about it or ask them to let me know?


Our goal is to identify the early adopters. We would like them to share their experiences with other faculty, and we would like to work with them first, if they would like to make use of any of these new capabilities.


Bill Vilberg

Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement