Monday, November 26, 2007

[ED-TECH] Digital Fellowship program

Ed-Tech list people,

In case you missed it in e-Veritas…

UM Libraries seeks proposals for the Digital Library Fellowship program
The University of Miami Libraries has released a call for proposals for the Digital Library Fellowship Program. This initiative supports library/faculty partnerships to develop new digital resources that advance research, teaching, and learning. Two or three fellowships will be awarded with a stipend of up to $15,000. Fellowships are open to all full-time, tenure-track Coral Gables faculty. The submission deadline is Friday, December 14. For more information, visit this Web site or e-mail

Bill V.



Friday, November 09, 2007

[ED-TECH] Innovative Assignments (New Media)

Ed-Tech list,


I am looking for people at UM who are using innovative assignments in their classes.  Most assignments tend to be written work.  The second most common tend to be oral presentations. I am looking for other types of student assignements/projects, particularly those that use new media such as web logs, wikis, recordings/podcasts, videos, web sites, or other similar materials.


For example, Blythe Nobleman, a Podcasting Teaching Fellow in 2006, had her students create podcasts in her “Writing about Science and Technology” class.  The final podcast of the year, produced by the students, can be heard at Currently, in the same course, her students are working on “visual rhetoric” and creating videos.  One draft, by a student who had never used animation software before, is posted on YouTube at


We would like to set up some Lunch and Learn activities for the Spring where people who are creating these types of learning activities can share their experiences with their colleagues across the campus.  If you are using innovative student assignments using new media, please let me know, OK?  If you know of anyone else doing this, either ask them to get in touch with me or let me know and I will get to them.


There are so many exciting activities that UM is doing with our students, I look forward to providing this opportunity to help promote and share these with other faculty members.


Bill Vilberg

Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

[ED-TECH] Podcasting

Ed-Tech mailing list,


UM has signed an agreement with Apple’s iTunesU to host podcasts. We also have the ability to record presentations from the newly renovated classrooms.  We have the ability and equipment to support faculty who want to record their presentations from any other location.  Recorded classroom presentations and lectures can be made available right now through Blackboard, on a special server UM has set up, on individual web pages, and, soon, through iTunesU.


As part of this move toward podcasting of appropriate classes, I would like to find out what classes at UM are currently being recorded and distributed to the students.  If you are recording and distributing your lectures to your students, would you please let me know?  If you know of someone doing this, would you either tell me about it or ask them to let me know?


Our goal is to identify the early adopters. We would like them to share their experiences with other faculty, and we would like to work with them first, if they would like to make use of any of these new capabilities.


Bill Vilberg

Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

Thursday, November 08, 2007

[ED-TECH] Workshop on LEARNING

Ed-Tech list member,


Executive Summary:


What: Workshop on Learning

When: Wednesday, 11/15 and repeated Thursday, 11/16; 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM

Where: University Center, Room 226 A/B (Flamingo Ballroom A/B)

Who: Faculty and TAs or anyone else interested in participating

How: Register by going to




The Instructional Advancement Center invites you to attend a workshop on Learning.  It will be  a real workshop, not a presentation. Participants will evaluate their own learning styles and how they have affected their studies in their disciplines. Participants will also work on creating learning activities for their students that would help students with different learning styles.  I will be facilitating the workshop.


If you are interested in these topics, I encourage you to attend.  If you have contact with TAs, I hope you will encourage them to attend.  The workshop will be given twice, once on Wednesday, November 14th and once on Thursday, November 15th. Both workshops will start at 3:30 PM and end at 4:45 PM.  The workshops will take place in University Center, Room 226 A/B (Flamingo Ballroom A/B).  Refreshments will be served.  Registration is required.


To register, please go to and click on the link to the registration form.  This session is part of the TA Training Program offered by the IAC, so the participants will be both faculty and TAs.  As a faculty member, your experiences will be a valuable contribution to the discussion at your table.  I hope you will be able to participate.


Bill Vilberg

Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement