Monday, November 06, 2006

[ED-TECH] SoftChalk LessonBuilder site license - coming soon

Ed-Tech list members,
On-line learning is not necessarily the same as distance learning. If a course is taught via distance learning the instructor and the student are in different places. On-line learning means that learning activities are designed to be done on-line. Many of our traditional face-to-face courses are already using on-line learning, since students are taking practice tests, reading class notes, and participating in discussions, on Blackboard as part of the design of the course. I expect on-learning to grow as we become more aware of opportunities to enhance student learning though on-line activities.
As support for this process, I have received approval to obtain a faculty/staff site license for SoftChalk Lesson Builder, a development system that created highly professional learning materials, with very little effort by the instructor. As soon as the PO is approved, we will set up training opportunities so that you can see how to make use of this software package. I look forward to seeing how some of you will use it to help your students better achieve their learning outcomes.
This will integrate well with Blackboard, and can be used on its own. Stay tuned for more announcements.
Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement