Tuesday, April 11, 2006

[ED-TECH] Writing Center Worskhop

Ed-Tech list members,
Do you write? If so, you might think about attending this valuable workshop being offered by the Writing Center. Put it on your calendar and then share this workshop information with your students, too. How wonderful to show our students that learning goes on continuously and that we can all improve our writing.
Bill Vilberg
Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

From: Burton, Zisca Isabel [mailto:zburton@mail.as.miami.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:20 AM
To: ibisnews; e-Veritas
Cc: Gina Maranto; Vilberg, William R.; Mann, April
Subject: Writing Center Worskhop

Thursday April 20th

12:30-1:30pm. Polishing Your Prose.

Please join the Writing Center for the last workshop of our Spring Workshop Series.

Come and find out some strategies for making your writing more sophisticated.

The Writing Center Workshop Series is designed to reach out to all members of the university community.

The workshops focus on some of the most significant writing concerns of students and faculty. We invite writers at all levels to join us.

Zisca Burton

University of Miami

English Department

Composition Lecturer

Writing Center Co-Director


phone (305) 284-2956

fax (305) 284-3288