Creating On-Screen and On-Line Demonstrations: Teaching with a Tablet PC
William R. Vilberg
Instructional AdvancementHow can we help students learn technical processes that require symbolic manipulation? For example, how can we help statistics students solve problems, music students arrange harmonies, English students rewrite paragraphs, and chemistry students balance equations?
One learning tool that we can provide is a step-by-step sample solution that the students can watch and listen to repeatedly. Such samples can easily be created using a Tablet PC and software such as Camtasia. The Tablet PC allows the instructor to write on the screen, just like on a piece of paper. The Camtasia software captures everything on the screen and everything the instructor says. The instructor works the problem while explaining what steps are being taken and why they are being taken, saves the recording, and makes it available on the Web for students to review as needed.
The same process can be used to capture entire lectures. Rather than working problems on the board, overhead, or document camera, work the problems on the Tablet PC. Everything can be shown in real time on a projector and also captured and made available for later viewing by the students so they can understand exactly what you did, how you did it, and how you explained it.
This presentation will demonstrate how the Tablet PC can support your teaching and help achieve student learning outcomes.Wednesday, April 5, 2006
12:20 PM - 1:10 PM
Whitten University Center
Room 226 A/B (Flamingo Ballroom A/B)Lunch will be served. Registration is required, and limited. Use the On-Line Registration Form to register.