Wednesday, August 17, 2005

FW: [POD] personal response systems (clickers in the classroom)

From: Professional & Organization Development Network in Higher
Education [] On Behalf Of Evans, Ed
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [POD] personal response systems

Karen -

Purdue has standardized system-wide on the CPSrf for Higher Education
system from eInstruction ( We have a LOT
of anecdotal evidence from both the faculty and students that the
clickers have been helpful in improving comprehension and attendance.
We have begun assessment on our deployment and I will provide an
overview of that information this fall at Educause.

One article you can look up on assessment of this effort is in the
_Family Medicine_ journal, July/August 2004, p.496: "Audience Response
Systems: Effect on Learning in Family Medicine Residents" by T. Eric
Schackow, Milton Chavez, Lauren Loya, Michael Friedman

My experience says that you'll find a good deal of research on the topic
by Physics faculty. They have a history of embracing audience response
and the Physics Education faculty have been good about writing this up.

I would be glad to share Purdue's experience in this arena with any
interested parties. Over this summer, we have deployed almost 300
receivers at our West Lafayette campus; we're predicting there will be
close to 8000 students using the clickers this fall.


Ed Evans
Director of Learning Spaces
IT Teaching and Learning Technologies
Information Technology at Purdue