Thursday, July 21, 2005

[ED-TECH] MyUM to appear August 10th

Heads up!  The EASY system will become MyUM on August 10th, if everything goes as planned.  That is two weeks before the start of the semester, so you should have time to explore it before classes begin.
ADDRESS:  All the web addresses to EASY will still work after the switch in names.  They will just go to MyUM rather than the old EASY pages.  If you are updating your syllabus and have references to EASY, you might want to change the references to MyUM and give the web address.  (That is the easiest address to publish, in my opinion.)
FUNCTIONALITY:  Everything you could do on EASY will be available on MyUM when it is released.  Other features will be added over time.  One of those features, planned for the coming Spring semester, is a way for instructors to get a page with the pictures of all their students in a class.  Another added features will be collaboration tools for committees, departments, student organizations, and study groups.  Everything will be tightly integrated with our back-end databases, allowing for excellent security.
Bill Vilberg
305-284-3949 (work); 786-218-3052 (cell); 305-255-9138 (home)