Friday, June 03, 2005

"Boot Camps" for faculty who want/need to improve

"The question (from the Provost) is what to do with a small number of
faculty who continue to perform poorly on their teaching evaluations."
([POD] Any other ideas?, Friday, June 03, 2005 11:05 AM, Walt Wager,
Coordinator IDS | ODDL) "If they have participated in your program and
still not improved, what next?"

-----REPLY 1-----
Dear Stephen, Walt and others interested in this situation,

Our firm, and at least one other of which I am aware, provide individual
mentoring/coaching for individuals in the situation you describe. Many
clients find this approach less threatening and more objective than can
be provided by an in-house source.

Richard Lyons, Senior Consultant
Faculty Development Associates

-----REPLY 2-----

We've run close to twenty "camps" over a twelve year period. Over 100
institutions have set representatives and of the several hundred faculty
who have attended, I'd say we had about three failures--a couple from a
class-based inability to stop blaming students that appeared to have an
origination based on culture and one who had such abusive supervisors
that the person's only hope for a fair shake to not be labeled as a
""bad teacher" was to get out of a situation that was destructive. The
person eventually did so. We are probably about full this year. I've
been in Grenada and have not tallied our current count. Will do so this
weekend If not, full, send us a couple of your "worst cases" and see the
results. Feel free to contact other POD developers who contribute to
this program such as Barbara Millis, Bob Noyd, Tara Gray, or Karen

Ed Nuhfer
Director, Center for Teaching and Learning
Museum Building 434, Campus Box 8010
Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209-8010
Ph (208) 282-4703 FAX (208) 282-5361