Friday, January 29, 2010

[ED-TECH] Frugal Innovations

Is there a free or very inexpensive computer tool that you use to improve teaching and learning in your classes? Is it worth sharing with others? I am looking for "Frugal Innovations" ideas for my FunFridayVideos. If you can give me any ideas, please send them out.

Bill Vilberg<>

[ED-TECH] Fun Friday Videos 002 - Aviary

It is Friday. You can now go to<> to watch the second video in my Fun Friday Videos series. Less than 10 minutes long, they show a single feature of a single service. Enjoy.

Bill Vilberg<>

Friday, January 22, 2010

[ED-TECH] Fun Fridays Video - Readability

Instead of scheduling a "Fun Friday" event once a month, I am going to try to make a short video every Friday, showing one neat/fun/interesting web site or feature. Today I have created the first one. You can see it at the web page.

Let me know if you watch it and think I should keep doing these, OK?

Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement<>

Thursday, January 14, 2010

[ED-TECH] Pelican Journal of Sustainable Development - January 2010

Happy new year and happy new decade!

Pelican Journal of Sustainable Development - January 2010

This issue is a directory of selected online resources on sustainable
development and related issues. The directory is minimally annotated and
compiles links to research and data resources under the following

1. Population and Human Development
2. Cultural, Social, and Security Issues
3. Financial, Economic, and Political Issues
4. Ecological Resources and Ecosystem Services
5. Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy
6. Pollution, Climate Change, and Environmental Management
7. Land, Agriculture, Food Supply, and Water Supply
8. Current State of the Planet and Human Civilization
9. Transition from Consumerism to Sustainability

This issue also includes a supplement:

1. Suggestions for Prayer, Study, and Action
2. Recent News, Publications, and Tools
3. Climate Interactive Scoreboard (Courtesy of the Climate Institute)
4. Carbon Dioxide Calculator (Courtesy of Carbonify and Michael Bloch)
5. Education for Sustainable Development 2009 Surveys
6. Catherine of Siena Virtual College (Winter Courses)
7. Open Source Framework for Sustainability
8. International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (WCC 2011)
9. The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic (Courtesy of Spirit Quest)

Invited papers this month:

Institutional Trappings, by Alan Fox

Durable Economics, by Barry Brooks

Bridging the Gulf: Education as Implementation, by Catherine King

It Is Time for the Churches to Declare Jubilee, by Britt Johnston


Luis T. Gutierrez, Ph.D.
The Pelican Web
Editor, PelicanWeb Journal of Sustainable Development

[ED-TECH] Blackboard, i>clickers, and tech in the general purpose classrooms

The Instructional Advancement Center will be providing faculty training on a number of subjects, beginning Friday, January 15. Various training sessions are available on the technology in UM's general purpose classrooms, the Blackboard course management system, and the i>clicker student response system. Visit and click on the "Events" link to see what is available and reserve a seat. Contact Peg Nickerson at<> or 305-284-2008 if you have any questions or special needs.