I was fooling around with Wolfram Alpha at the http://wolframalpha.com web address, which Gersom Manresa will be demoing at Fun Friday next week (you can register by going to http://www.miami.edu/iac and selecting the "Events" link), and I generated the following report. There are a number of interesting findings here. After looking over the table, go to the bottom for my reflections.
* Why are 10,000 people a day going to http://www.physics.miami.edu? That is a very impressive number. Is it for the e-book that James Nearing makes available there, or something else?
* About 2,600 people a day visit http://caneid.miami.edu, the CAS login page. This should increase dramatically when Blackboard begins using the CaneID system for authentication.
* The web.miami.edu subdomain is our search engine (http://search.web.miami.edu), and serves 5,300 daily visitors.
* Blackboard is listed as courses.miami.edu (http://www.courses.miami.edu) with 7,900 daily visitors.
* I am happy that http://libguides.miami.edu is getting 600 visits a day, but I would like to see even more visits, since this is such a WONDERFUL resource. Please, please, PLEASE go to LibGuides and see what is offered in your discipline. You can contact your subject liaison librarian, listed on the http://www.library.miami.edu/about/contactus/subject_librarians.html web page, to request a guide specifically for your course, or on a subject in your discipline. Do it now and if you want it ready for your Fall classes.
* Some great activity at UM is revealed in this list, such as the www.geodesy.miami.edu web site which is using "space-based geodetic data to investigate changes in the Earth's land and water surfaces." Exciting stuff.
If you want to generate this information, go to http://wolframalpha.com and search for miami.edu. In the "Web statistics..." section, click on the "Subdomains" link. That shows the top ten. Click on the "More subdomains" link to see the entire list.
Bill Vilberg
Instructional Advancement