Monday, October 22, 2007

[ED-TECH] The "Acting" of Teaching

Bruce Lecure teaches in our Department of Theatre Arts and won an Excellence in Teaching award in 2004.  The next year he gave a wonderful presentation at the Teaching Assistant Orientation where he talked about warming up for teaching the same way an actor warms up for a performance: voice, muscles, mind, etc.  On October 30 and repeated on October 31, he is going to offer a workshop on these and related topics.  I strongly encourage everyone to attend.  Here is the notice, with the sign-up link, from Friday’s e-Veritas.

Tuesday, October 30 and Wednesday, October 31 “Improving Your Performance: Maximizing the Communication Skills of Your Voice and Body.” Attend a workshop for faculty and teaching assistants presented by Bruce Lecure, professor in the Department of Theatre Arts, who will share specific techniques to improve communication in the classroom. Attend the workshop both days from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. in the Learning Center Classroom Building. To register, visit For more information, e-mail or call 305-284-2008.

This session is also part of the TA Training series that Instructional Advancement offers, so please share this with your Teaching Assistants. 


Late last semester I received a phone call about a faculty member who had just taught four consecutive classes and no longer had a voice left.  I was asked if there was anything the IAC could do to help faculty with this problem.  So we invited Bruce to teach this workshop.  Don’t miss this chance to pick up some valuable information.


Notice that the sessions will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, 3:30 pm – 4:45 pm, in the Learning Center, Room 110.  Registration is required.


Bill Vilberg

Assoc. Dir. of Instructional Advancement

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ed-Tech List Information

Mon, 15 Oct 2007 06:00:58

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Bill Vilberg Home: 305-255-9138 Work: 305-284-3949
Cell: 786-218-3052