Thursday, June 13, 2019
Ed-Tech List Information
You are subscribed to the Ed-Tech list at the University of Miami. I
created this list to distribute information about Educational Technology.
Here are a few reminders.
1. If you want to unsubscribe you can do it a number of ways. A. Send me
an e-mail and I will remove you from the list. B. Go to, click on the "Join or
leave the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"UNSUBSCRIBE ED-TECH" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to (This will only work if sent from the
address that you are subscribed as.)
2. If you know someone who would like to subscribe tell them to do one of
the following. A. Send me an e-mail and I will add them to the list. Tell
me if they want to be on this list (Ed-Tech) and/or the Blackboard
Announcements list (Bb). B. Go to and fill
out the "Mailing List" form. B. Go to, click on the "Join or
leave the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"SUBSCRIBE ED-TECH" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to
3. Searchable archives of the list are available at
Bill Vilberg Home: 305-255-9138 Work: 305-284-3949
Cell: 786-218-3052
Friday, December 14, 2018
Ed-Tech List Information
You are subscribed to the Ed-Tech list at the University of Miami. I
created this list to distribute information about Educational Technology.
Here are a few reminders.
1. If you want to unsubscribe you can do it a number of ways. A. Send me
an e-mail and I will remove you from the list. B. Go to, click on the "Join or
leave the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"UNSUBSCRIBE ED-TECH" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to (This will only work if sent from the
address that you are subscribed as.)
2. If you know someone who would like to subscribe tell them to do one of
the following. A. Send me an e-mail and I will add them to the list. Tell
me if they want to be on this list (Ed-Tech) and/or the Blackboard
Announcements list (Bb). B. Go to and fill
out the "Mailing List" form. B. Go to, click on the "Join or
leave the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"SUBSCRIBE ED-TECH" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to
3. Searchable archives of the list are available at
Bill Vilberg Home: 305-255-9138 Work: 305-284-3949
Cell: 786-218-3052
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Ed-Tech List Information
You are subscribed to the Ed-Tech list at the University of Miami. I
created this list to distribute information about Educational Technology.
Here are a few reminders.
1. If you want to unsubscribe you can do it a number of ways. A. Send me
an e-mail and I will remove you from the list. B. Go to, click on the "Join or
leave the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"UNSUBSCRIBE ED-TECH" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to (This will only work if sent from the
address that you are subscribed as.)
2. If you know someone who would like to subscribe tell them to do one of
the following. A. Send me an e-mail and I will add them to the list. Tell
me if they want to be on this list (Ed-Tech) and/or the Blackboard
Announcements list (Bb). B. Go to and fill
out the "Mailing List" form. B. Go to, click on the "Join or
leave the list" link, and follow the instructions. C. Send the message
"SUBSCRIBE ED-TECH" (in the body of the list, not the subject) to
3. Searchable archives of the list are available at
Bill Vilberg Home: 305-255-9138 Work: 305-284-3949
Cell: 786-218-3052
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
[ED-TECH] Closing Ed-Tech mailing list
Best Day,
-- Bill --
Monday, April 23, 2018
[ED-TECH] Retirement celebration
Dear Friends,
UMIT is preparing a celebration for my retirement. The event is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, May 8, 2018, 3-5 pm, in the Shalala Student Center, Room 306. I realize that this is at the end of finals and that you are terribly busy but I would certainly be honored having you there if you can drop by. If you come, please tell me your name. I know so many of you through email but have never had the honor of meeting you in person. It is late, but it would still be great to put a face with the name.
It has been my honor to work with you and the other wonderful people at the University of Miami. My email address will disappear, so feel free to update your contacts with my personal address,, and feel free to use it if I can be of any assistance at any time, or you just want to make contact. I hope to keep posting on my blog if you want to know what I am thinking about or doing.
-- Bill -- I was hired at UM 20 years ago to do a job. But my real value to my organization is what I do beyond my job. "Linchpin" talks about how we bring value to our team, our unit, and our company. |
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 6:00 AM
To: Vilberg, Bill
Subject: ED-TECH: Subscription renewal monitoring report